日本とのつながり / Japanese Connection

bumping this up

Amazed how far this Forum has come​:heart_decoration: An inviting door / a launch pad as this Form.:star_struck: :door::rocket::earth_asia: :handshake:
On the 9th of September, celebrate your harvest and contribution with a Chrysanthemum, :blossom: 菊の節句 Among old-class ppl in ESEAP region, we think Number Nine is the largest single digit odd number or Yang 陽, which propels your good luck and bless you with swing-by energy.

@YShibata @JNakayama-WMF @Kizhiya , it’s time to give a fresh air to your 雛人形 :dolls: or kimono. Wish the muggy weather gives way to drier breeze sooner…

Reminiscing over those 400+ days, and ppl back from Wikimania Singapore and Katowice…
Oh, it is as if we are seated in an astrodome gazing up those constellations rotate the dome, both the viewers and the traveling ones has a grip on some wiki. Wow!


@Omotecho, I do :smiley:

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Hello! This summer has been awful and I have to do a death march at my other job until Wednesday…

May this special day bring happiness and power to you and all Wikimedians :smiling_face:

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