I see the following just below the top tabs:
* User talk:アリス[line break] Latest comment: 18 days ago by キャロル in topic ロゴの投票
That looks cool to me: One thing, and inevitably there is a line break/to display, which is not wikitexted, but, because I enlarge texts to 150% on FireFox browser to relax my eyesl
Do you think you can accomodate such use cases as well? As you see, any {{div col}}type of arranging things in columns does not work in such a ‘‘high’’ rate of magnifying (I hate magnify grass functionality as I loose sense of space.) –fixed for readability
For [https://patchdemo.wmflabs.org/wikis/300e52d41c/wiki/Talk:%E3%83%8B%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A8%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AF?uselang=ja&useskin=vector-2022 Article talk page]: is it default that Machine Translation (MT) is activated? Those outputs rather reads silly… I mean, the current MT algorithm does very poor job if ja is in the language pair. Fake natural language which, IMHO makes any serious input look like joke/teasing/harassing. I don’t recc applying machine translation as default, or how do we guarantee Friendly space polilcy, if your input is twisted and reads as personal attack?
That said, however, if there be a switch you tap on in case you are so curious what the poster wants to tell you, OK, then I will be tempted to tap on it. But still, such language not quite fit to MT, as Arabic/Russian/Indonesian or any, I woulld hesitate to tap on the MT button. Crossing my fingers that posters will try out writing in en, even though it will be their second/third language…