The annual conference of Wikimedia Korea is happening on 2022-10-15T03:00:00Z→2022-10-15T08:30:00Z, celebrating Korean Wikipedia’s 20th anniversary! There will also be Wikimedia Deutschland sharing their success story, a presentation on Movement Strategy from the MSG team, as well as many user presentations. Who else is planning to attend this event? Looking forward to seeing you there!
Unfortunately I’ll not be able to attend however I’d love for anyone to highlight the open call here if there’s a moment where it makes sense to: Opportunities open for the Ombuds commission and the Case Review Committee
In particular, the Case Review Committee is hoping to have applicants from this region!
Hello @Xeno_WMF
I will also would not be able to attend the conference but if there is any other conference in the future I will try my best to attend that.
Hope will meet again there
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