WikiConference Seoul 2022

The annual conference of Wikimedia Korea is happening on 2022-10-15T03:00:00Z2022-10-15T08:30:00Z, celebrating Korean Wikipedia’s 20th anniversary! There will also be Wikimedia Deutschland sharing their success story, a presentation on Movement Strategy from the MSG team, as well as many user presentations. Who else is planning to attend this event? :smiley: Looking forward to seeing you there!


Unfortunately I’ll not be able to attend however I’d love for anyone to highlight the open call here if there’s a moment where it makes sense to: Opportunities open for the Ombuds commission and the Case Review Committee

In particular, the Case Review Committee is hoping to have applicants from this region!


Hello @Xeno_WMF
I will also would not be able to attend the conference but if there is any other conference in the future I will try my best to attend that.
Hope will meet again there :slight_smile:

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