رغم أن السؤال عام، إلا أنني أريد معرفة هذه الحاجات من مختلف المجتمعات لمقاربتها مع حاجات المجتمع العربي
Hi @Nehaoua, in my opinion it’s a general and fundamental question!
Especially to advance Movement Strategy. For us from the different global communities (I’m from the Portuguese speaking) to learn about others’ needs in terms of Skills and Leadership Development is a key step to join efforts and work more efficiently together. I’m not sure if you are familiar with the Let’s Connect Peer Learning program, but maybe it could be a good space to learn about that. (cc: @JStephenson_WMF). Abraços
ما هي المهارات الناقصة في المجتمعات الويكيبيدية
I’m repeating the subject of this thread so that (maybe?) it can be automatically translated by Google Translate.
In English: “What skills are missing in the Wikipedia community?”
A big one is video shooting and editing, mainly because we don’t support the standards that are common for video production.
شكرا، هل المشكل يكمن في عدم وجود منصة سهلة الاستعمال للفيديو أو نقص التكوين فيه، أو أن معايير التعديل والرفع غير واضحة
I think the question aims to know the skills that other communities depend on for development. this helps in identifying what the Arabic community lacks.
@Mervat_WMF شكرًا جزيلًا، توضيحك أكثر من رائع