Testing custom fields in events, reminders, and recurrence

Three tests at once in this event topic:

  • Testing custom fields (there is one asking whether the event is on-site, online, or hybrid)
  • Testing reminders (set to 15 minutes before the event)
  • Testing recurrence (set to daily)

Hm… I don’t know how this is supposed to work. I have asked here: Create Events - #434 - admins - Discourse Meta.

After declaring myself as “Going,” I got a web notification 15 minutes before the event indeed. Not a mail notification, only web, and not a push notification either. This is consistent with settings and preferences, but it also means that reminders should be set like one day before or something because people are not sitting on the forum the whole day.

I will ask about push notifications, that people with on open tab would see. But first I’ll make sure that no push notifications are sent.

@TCappelletto_WMF thank you for joining the test so quickly as “Interested”! Did you see any reminders?

Indeed! A couple of minutes after the event ended, the event box was automatically refreshed with a new date set for tomorrow, as specified.

People who had RVSPed still appear there but are greyed out. A new notification is received when this happens, allowing these users to RSVP again. Cool!

@Qgil-WMF my pleasure. No reminders received.

Ok, I guess that’s what you get for being only interested. :sweat_smile:

I did get a browser push notification 15 minutes before starting and I got a regular web notification as well. It’s all good, then. Cool!

(Testing completed. This works fine.)

((Except for the custom fields, which I will find out about at đź—“ Discourse Event - #434 by quimgil - plugin - Discourse Meta hopefully.))

@Qgil-WMF só queria compartilhar que desta vez recebi uma notificação do evento de LDWG (sábado passado), mesmo tendo indicado “apenas interesse”. Ou seja, mais uma boa notícia sobre a funcionalidade “evento” :star_struck:

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@TCappelletto_WMF Hm, molt interessant! Potser el que va passar en aquest tema aquí és que estaves activa al fòrum en el moment que la notificació s’havia de publicar. No em sembla una explicació molt convincent, però Discourse envia certes notificacions o no depenent de si estàs connectada o no.

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@Qgil-WMF É possível. Vamos observando. Obrigada pela explicação em catalão. (Consegui ler sem precisar usar o globo! Desse jeito esta plataforma vai servir como curso de línguas também :upside_down_face:)

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