Two years ago I was proposing a workshop online with this title and I want to do it again in both online and physical form. I will share here the description and invite people who are interested to contribute ideas, works, skills or anything else to this in case they want to share resources and possibly co-develop a circle that could be a community of practice.
Here is the current 2022 version of the proposal I am able to share:
For past 2 years we have been discussing and living the ‘new normal’ mostly seen as great challenge for ‘developed’ world, while suppressed and critical voices are questioning who’s Normal it was to start with… What wiki practices are considered normal (How? Who? When? Why? they fail). This workshop aspires to help inform, research, imagine and prototype what could be alternatives, or even appropriations that foreground care and needs for those who are positioned far from centers and (assumed) norms. WikiWiki%Lohi?
How will this be beneficial for the Wikimedia communities?
By looking into and challenging: the doctrine of single and objective point of view, content and participation gaps, governance models/issues, assumptions embedded in user interface and experience, but also addressing needs for safe(r) space (considering ‘others’ - deconstructing norms, especially self-imposed ones and authoritarian) we hope to address some of the topics from 2030 strategy, new Code of Conduct and Movement Charter draft…with focus on how they play out in realities of smaller wikis, less developed regions and its participants in their language, wiki and thematic communities.
With that in mind we may choose not to go to a single NORM, especially not dated one.
#1 physical instance of the workshop is on Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2022 and you are welcome to express interest in attending on Meta page of submission or here!