White Paper: Designing futures of participation in the Wikimedia Movement

Hi everyone,

Thank you to those of you who joined Platoniq’s presentation of the white paper on Monday. I am glad that ~30 interested Wikimedians from across the movement decided to participate.

We have recorded the presentation part of the meeting (~30 minutes) and uploaded the video to YouTube and Commons, and linked it on the white paper page on Meta.

Now with English subtitles
@CKibelka_WMF was so kind as to copy the automatically created subtitles from YT over to Commons. Please note that if you watch the video via the Meta page, you will not see the subtitles. You will only see them on the Meta file description page, or on Commons.

What’s next
We’d love to hear from you: How did you like it? And how do you want to use it – for your own organisation, community, or committee?

The intention to commission the paper was to initiate rethinking how we do consultations in our movement. How can they be less frustrating? This is one of the many fields we need to get better at as a movement, that’s why we felt it appropriate to hire some external expertise.

Let us know! Please leave your comments or questions on the talk page.

Kind regards,