Which Wikimania sessions are you planning to attend?

The laughter meditation session sounds really interesting and fun! :laughing: And of course, I will be attending more sessions including these:


First day was my first live presentation also on Wikimania with QueeringW workshop.

Unfortunately I have too many different interests so I will be randomly joining to almost anything (especially if interactive) and watching recorded things I missed on YouTube soon after. My eyes hurt :-)))


Yes, Wikimania 2022 is over. But impressions, memories and thought-provoking exchanges are here to stay. We would love to read about yours, so feel free to share them in the Forum!
It is one of the safest and most welcoming spaces for an open discussion.

  • Which sessions did you find particularly inspiring, helpful, impactful, motivating, - or amusing?
  • Did you take part in discussions? Which ones did you find most interesting and thought-provoking?
  • What were the things you weren’t really impressed with? What could have been done better, and how?

And if you missed some of the events, or would simply like to rewind to an interesting part, here’s a quick and easy way to rewatch. You can choose entire tents or video clips of individual sessions as they become available…
Please note that Day 3 and Day 4 are not yet available as individual YouTube playlists.

  1. Wikimania - Day 1

  2. Wikimania - Day 2

  3. Wikimania - Day 3

  4. Wikimania - Day 4

