@BJiang_WMF , thanks for your question. well., I will just give you a brief answer now, and then perhaps we can elaborate further over time. (EDIT: this answer turned out to be much less “brief” than I thought!
anyway, for one thing, for me this platform and forum, meaning Discourse, serves absolutely as the kind of forum and venue that Wikipedia sorely needs. until now, there has not been any centralized forum at all that promoted genuine creative ideas and collaboration,
we do have the Village Pump, but that forum is lost in the arcane rules they seek to uphold. with that said, they often do an absolutely exemplary and outstanding job of developing new ideas, new resources, and new editing proposals and approaches. however, one missing component there, in my opinion, is fostering any sense of continuity and collaboration on an ongoing basis. Namely, at that forum, either you have the technical expertise to comment, or else you don’t and therefore you remain more or less silent.
that is where I see this forum, playing a vital and totally necessary role. I liked this forum from day one, but I was afraid to say so, in case it was merely due to my own enjoyment at the dialogue and discussions here. however, now that I have been here a while, I can clearly say that my opinion is based on my own semi-objective knowledge about the Wikipedia community’s needs as a whole. I feel this forum is exactly the kind of resource we need, in order to create some genuine discussion and collaboration.
and furthermore, just to address one other type of forum platform, I don’t feel the community group threads on the app Telegram, are very effective either. in general, they suffer from a large surplus and excess volume of messages. the message traffic there can be very heavy, and therefore is often it can be very difficult to keep track of who is saying what, or indeed to read over the past thread in any way. And due to the nature and format of the threads themselves, I don’t feel the discussions on that app get very far.
As far as the Discord app, I feel the format there is too convoluted and too arcane to sustain much concerted discussion of any developmental topics that are necessary to have a real positive impact, as we seek to develop different areas.
I feel that the web-based, clearly-displayed thread format offered by Discourse, truly hits the nail on the head. This is the resource that our community has been waiting for. Unlike Telegram, the thread’s past messages do not disappear, but can easily be read later on. Also, new threads can easily be created in regards to specific topics. Also, I like and totally accept the approach to thread moderation here. Yes, we do absolutely need established moderators. I am totally comfortable with the approach that this forum’s moderators have exhibited over time.
in short, you can mark me down as a committed devotee of using “Discourse” as a platform. I am fully on board with this method, this platform and this format. please feel free to fire away freely when and if you wish to fire further salvos, to reinforce this platform’s role and usefulness, for the entire community!
I am ready to post a user box or two, whenever others may wish to help elevate this and to spread the word. I’m very energized by this whole current forum and its processes. I hope that answers your questions somewhat?
(By the way, i see now that your question was meant to clarify what kind of leadership roles I think people should take on. well, perhaps the good news is that actually, I fully accept a beneficial deliberative format, as being the main thing we need to create and empower the types of leadership that our community will generally need, further down the road. so I hope that is helpful to you. thanks!)