الترشح للاشراف على فئة الاستثمار في تطوير المهارات والقيادة

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الترشح للاشراف على فئة الاستثمار في تطوير المهارات والقيادة

مرحبًا بالجميع!

طالعت موضوع دعوة لمشرفي منتدى استراتيجية الحركة ووجدت أنه آن الأوان لأن أكون عضوًا فعالًا فيه، وسأكون سعيدًا لخدمة المنتدى مشرفًا على فئة #الاستثمار-في-تطوير-المهارات-والقيادة.

ينصب اهتمامي في تطوير المهارات اللازمة في المجتمع العربي بصفة خاصة (لكوني إداريًا في كل من ويكيبيديا وويكي مصدر العربيتين) وفي باقي المجتمعات عموما، وأحد اهتماماتي الرئيسية هو تحديد المهارات الناقصة واللازمة ومحاولة تطبيقها وتطويرها.
بدأ اهتمامي بالمنتدى منذ نشأته، وأحاول أن أكون مفيدًا للمجتمع الويكيميدي، كما أود أن أستفيد من خبرات الآخرين. وخاصة باستعمال منصة متعددة اللغات حيث أجد نفسي مرتاحا فيها وأعبر عن أفكاري وتطلعاتي بكل أريحية.

أوافق على اتباع مدونة قواعد السلوك العالمية بصفتي مشرفًا في هذا المنتدى.
أوافق أيضًا على العمل بالتنسيق مع الوسطاء الآخرين.

أعتقد أن العمل مشرفًا لهذه الفئة سيتيح لي (ويجعلني أكثر التزامًا) الفرصة للمشاركة في هذه الموضوعات عن كثب!
تقبلوا مني كامل التقدير والاحترام


(Adding this to a new post to avoid confusing automatic translation.)

Candidacy status

This section is added by the administrators to check the criteria of this candidacy according to the process.

These criteria are reviewed by the forum administrators after two weeks of community review (October 2nd or later).

  • :white_check_mark: Be a Member .
  • :white_check_mark: Read the Guidelines.
  • :white_check_mark: Be Certified and Licensed in Discourse skills.
  • :white_check_mark: Commit to follow and apply the Universal Code of Conduct as a moderator.
  • :white_check_mark: Commit to act in coordination with the other moderators.
  • :white_check_mark: Post a short statement to become a category moderator in the same category, introducing yourself and explaining briefly what is your motivation to be in this role. Any prior experience moderating or administering similar channels in Wikimedia or elsewhere is welcome. No problem if this is your first time. This is a good role to start moderating.
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@Nehaoua, Thank you very much for applying to become a category moderator. According to your profile, you are Licensed (which is the difficult one) but not certified (completion of the basic tutorial). You can solve this by sending a private message to @discobot with the text @discobot start tutorial .

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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لقد اكملت التدريب البارحة Certificate

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Yes, this is the advanced tutorial. If you send this message to Discobot, you will be able to complete the basic tutorial.

حتى العبارت تكون بلغة الواجهة مثل الفرنسية @discobot démarrer tutoriel ولا يقبل غيرها، لا بد من وضع العبارة الافتراضية لتصلح لجميع اللغات

Bonjour ! Pour voir ce que je peux faire, dites « @discobot afficher l’aide ».


Thank you so much! This is all, and we can wait until October 2nd.


Hi @Nehaoua!

This is really amazing that people like you are coming forward to make this place better and more inclusive.
I support your application and I can’t wait to have you with me here as a category moderator.

I just have some requests for you.

This forum is good not just for its technical features, I know it has a lot of cool features which can be added to meta tho that will take a lot of time. But the thing that I like most about this platform is its happy and welcoming environment. Meta and mailing lists are becoming war zones day by day and you hear some common harsh voices over and over, which may make you feel that they are the only people in the movement and the movement is always rough and tough and merciless which is not of course the reality. This very thing is diminishing the inclusion of those places, people from the underrepresented countries fear posting anything on those platforms publicly. Especially, people whose first language is not English feel low about themselves. We don’t want to see our movement like this. We want inclusion.

I don’t know what other people think about it, but I believe that the high schooler, who uses Wikipedia to understand his school curriculum, is an essential part of our movement. The teacher, who applies the learnings from “Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom Program” in his/her classroom is a part of our movement. The granny, who searches for the meaning of “LOL” in Wikipedia, is a part of our movement. The African youngster, who goes to distant schools with low-cost tabs with Kiwix installed with the whole Wikipedia downloaded, where people didn’t even hear of the internet, is a part of our movement. The UN peacekeeper who are fighting for world peace in South Sudan and searches Wikipedia occasionally to know about something (this is a real story, I heard some of the peacekeepers from my country use Wikipedia when they get internet coverage while they are on their peacekeeping mission), is a part of our movement. The boy from an ethnic minority group, who thinks that the whole world is trying to remove their existence but enjoys browsing articles from Wikipedia, is a part of our movement. And most importantly, they have the right to take part in the movement’s governance process, they are not outsiders.

These people should have a strong voice in the movement, they shouldn’t be afraid to express their feelings, and they shouldn’t be afraid of watching harsh attacks and counterattacks, where no love and respect prevail. They don’t need to know mediawiki syntaxes to be a part of the movement; you know browsing facebook is even tough for a lot of people in the world, let alone mediawiki syntaxes. As an outreach organizer and trainer, the toughest job for me is to teach the mediawiki syntaxes to the newcomer high schoolers, we know the syntax very well but those very syntaxes are responsible for volunteer burnout and higher drop rate for any outreach event. If somehow, they can learn the syntax, our moral police, the defenders of the movement kill their slightest interest they have to contribute to the movement. I know a lot of new people are joining the movement daily but I’ll say those incidents are more of luck than a healthy organic phenomenon. I’m unhappy and don’t think that the movement is newcomer friendly.

I dream of a place in the movement where no one will be afraid to say anything (vandalism or other type of indiscipline are exceptions of “anthing” here, I believe in keeping good faith), where no one will be able to share their dreams and new ideas for the movement. This forum is solely dedicated to movement strategy, but we need this type of platform in other fields of the movement too. I’m not a fanatic supporter of this forum or anything like that, I just want an inclusive place for all, whether that be the mailing or the meta talk pages. I believe that if the current friendly environment of this platform can be continued, we can include more and more people from diverse backgrounds, especially from underrepresented communities in the movement strategy process.

I just request that you will take care of this place so that this place doesn’t become a warzone.

Wishing you all the best and sorry for soooooooooo long text XDD


@Mrb_Rafi جزء كبير مما تقدمتَ به يعبر أيضا عن رغباتي لكن تحقيقه صعب لكن يبقى هدفًا نبيلًا. أتمنى أن استطيع أن أكون في حسن ظن الجميع.وأؤدي عملي جيدا، فأنا مؤمن بأن النقاش الودي هو السبيل لتطوير وتجسيد استراتيجية الحركة.


Congratulations, @Nehaoua! :partying_face: You got support and no objections. You are now a moderator of the #invest-in-skills-and-leadership-development category (verify).

If you have any questions or suggestions about the process of becoming a moderator or about the category moderator role, please share them!

Here is a reminder of what you can do as a moderator, and here’s Discourse’s Moderation Guide, for some tips to get started. And if you need assistance, @Qgil-WMF and I are always available. @Mrb_Rafi is your fellow moderator in this category, so they can be your partner on this as well!


Congratulations! :clap: @Nehaoua.

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Congratulations, @Nehaoua <3

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شكرا، أتمنى ان أكون قدر تطلعاتكم

شكرا، سأعمل جاهدا لأحافظ على البيئة الودية للفورم

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شكرا، ليكن تعاونا بناءا


Congratulations @Nehaoua

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