I disagree somewhat with this item. if you are going to issue 29 new initiatives, then there is no need to include an item like this, with an overly and generalized approach of " Systematic approach to improve satisfaction and productivity."
on the other hand, if you do want to issue broad and generalized items like this one, then that’s fine as well. but if that’s the case, then why also feel the need to issue 29 highly specific proposals as well?
In short;
I fully accept, support, and embrace any effort by the Movement Strategy team to issue broad, sweeping generalized goals, for the movement to support and to coalesce around.
and similarly, I support and embrace any effort by the Movement Strategy team to issue highly focused and specific goals, for the movement to support and to coalesce around.
it is the two approaches together that are causing me some agita. why are there 29 separate new threads taking a signfiicant bloc of space in this forum? what is the goal here? is anyone going to comment? are we going to have a discussion here? what is the dynamic at work here?
by the way, please note, I am not “the person who is complaining” about these threads. I am the “person who is engaging” with these threads. I’m not your problem here. in fact, I am an ally of the movement strategy team, and I greatly support its work and see it as highly positive.
I am eager to get the community on board with these highly encouraging efforts. however, my concern is that you are making my goals on this somewhat harder, by posting a mix of both highly generalized, and highly specific goals. and then by not providing anyone who is engaging with these threads at all. zero people. not even the supposed originator of these threads is actually present on almost any of them, except for one or two of these threads.
can we please decide what scope is desired for the MS forums as a venue, for the MS initiatives as a potential community effort, and for the MS team as a resource? I feel we need to clarify for ourselves just how the inner workings and group dyanmics of our collective team effort will best function. and please note, I do consider myself to be part of the Movement Strategy initiative, in the best and most positive sense. Thanks.