Request for MS Forums "Leader" role

hi there. I would like to be be permitted to have the “Leader” role, here at the Movement Strategy forms. can this please be discussed, and hopefully moved forward? no one is currently maintaing this site, or providing updates there. it is a signficant usage of resources. i would like to see it maintained. tagging @Qgil-WMF , @NPhan_WMF1 @AAkhmedova_WMF @JKoerner_WMF


Hello! @Sm8900, I appreciate your interest in taking on a leadership role at the Movement Strategy forums. It’s an important platform, and your dedication to its upkeep is admirable. I feel that talking about it with @Qgil-WMF, @NPhan_WMF, @AAkhmedova_WMF, and @JKoerner_WMF could be a productive step forward.

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thanks. also tagging @Owula_kpakpo , to request their comments, feedback, or any thoughts they may have.

You’re welcome! @Sm8900, I’m looking forward to hearing @Owula_kpakpo’s thoughts on this.

tagging @TCappelletto_WMF @AJohnson_WMF @Zuz_WMF @CSinha_WMF @YPam_WMF @Oscar_WMF

Thanks for tagging me I currently don’t have any comment but I believe the relevant people who can give you that will

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ok thanks. tagging @MPossoupe_WMF m @HEl-Youssef_WMF @Tgr @Tgr_WMF @MMoss_WMF @SOyeyele_WMF @CSinha_WMF

sorry for all these tags, but it appears that almost no one has been replying on these threads in general recently. so these tags are simply for the sake of greater openness, dialogue, and transparency. thanks!!

I do not think asigning single central role helps.

MS Forum needs much more of structural and ownership shift that could enable more and different types of use.

I don’t think tagging more random WMF people helps. The people you tagged in your original post are the right set of people to decide this.

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If anyone should be promoted to mod or leader, it should be @Sm8900.

That being said, it probably makes sense to evaluate if this forum is benefiting the movement strategy process, or it’s just another drain on WMF resources.

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ok, i appreciate and will follow your advice. thanks.

table below shows views for the past month.

I do not think this is absolute metrics as many people (like me) get email updates on topics and only decide to use web if they wanna make actual comment. Also from what I see it was for many end of the year and start of new (other professional urgencies and winter breaks)…having said all of this I think you can still apply for thematic leadership role and I would support it for English Wikipedia (where most of your edits are) and topics related to your editing. Jumping from none to all leadership would re-create problems of English native speakers always being at center even when their particular expertise are not applicable in other topic and socio-cultural areas.

The whole point of choosing a leader from any group is because then they can empower leaders from any and all other groups. I appreciate your reply

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I feel that any new steps for Movement Strategy should include these forums in a leading role.

I feel that this is crucial, as it would be highly valuable to the community. of couse that is just my own personal opinion on that.

table below shows past views for this week.

As the current main user of these forums, I am VOLUNTARILY assuming the role of Community Cultivator for these forums.

the essence of our movement, is, has always been, and always will be the VOLUNTARY wilingness to contribute, to collaborate, to cooperate, and to hear each other. in the spirit of that lofty and inspiring ideal, I embrace this role, and hope to fulfil the potential of these forums through my own efforts if possible, in the spirit of community cooperation.

i would welcome the help and input of anyone in our community. Your voice is valued, and your thoughts matter. I appreciate your role, and i invite anyone to comment here. Let’s move forward, together. Thanks!! :united_nations: :united_nations: :peace_symbol: :peace_symbol: :earth_africa: :earth_americas: :earth_asia:

number of visits today:

Aside from ‘roles’ discussion (where my position did not change)
I am looking forward to see how do cultivation is/can be practiced.

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