General Introduction to Movement Strategy Draft Text Part 1 of 2:
The Movement Strategy is a collaborative effort to imagine and build the future of the Wikimedia Movement. This strategy brings structural and cultural changes to address challenges and new opportunities. Thousands of volunteers and more than a hundred groups have defined this strategy. Currently, Movement Strategy is being implemented with goals set for 2030. Anyone can contribute to the Movement Strategy, from a comment to a full-time project.
Your contribution to the strategy implementation is vital for success. Join now!
Our future in the ecosystem of free knowledge
Wikipedia started in 2001 as an invitation to share the sum of all knowledge. Today, Wikimedia offers the world’s largest encyclopedia and many more wiki projects such as Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata, and others.
Even with this success, Wikimedians encounter many challenges. The gender gap and the obstacles to participation for underrepresented groups persist. Our Movement’s power, resources, and opportunities are not evenly distributed. Censorship, surveillance, and the increased commercialization of knowledge endanger Wikimedia’s existence. Due to the advancement of technology and social trends, our work may become obsolete. Nevertheless, these challenges and the ever-changing world also offer opportunities.
Creating a strategy amongst diverse groups while working on all the regular Wikimedia activities was messy and complex. Eventually, the collective knowledge and perspectives were gathered to form a shared vision. The success of this process proves that the strength of Wikimedia is the talent, dedication, and integrity of its contributors.
What brings us together is not what we do; it is why we do it.
end Part 1 of 2 here