Thank you, these are very good starting points.
Distribution of facilitation and ownership
Yes, we agree that facilitation and ownership of the Movement Strategy implementation need to be distributed. Global coordination is needed for good collective impact, but nobody should be on hold for no good reason.
For this, it is important to know who is doing what, and who is interested in working on what. We are working on better documentation (on Meta) and better communication channels (on this forum) for all the recommendations and initiatives. Anyone interested in an area should be able to check what is happening, what is on hold, and how to get involved.
Supporting others facilitating
Yes, we agree that supporting decentralized facilitation is a good idea. It is also a good point that grants are one way to do this but not the only one. The Movement Strategy and Governance facilitators are already organized by region and language. These facilitators are starting to organize around recommendations too. We are already reaching out to communities and affiliates to encourage them to get involved in the MS implementation. And yes, we can be more explicit about our invitation to support facilitators contributing to distribute ownership.
Global conversations
Yes, we agree that Global Conversations alone (live events with facilitation and multilingual support) aren’t providing the results we need to advance the MS implementation. They can play a useful role in the context of ongoing conversations, decentralized and truly multilingual. This is why we reached the conclusion that Meta and Telegram are not enough to support the ongoing conversations required, and this is why we are proposing this fully-featured forum.
Not becoming a bottleneck
Nobody wants to become a bottleneck (unless you want to obstruct something; I don’t think it is our case here). Sometimes you find yourself in this situation. Sometimes others perceive you are being a bottleneck when in fact you are doing (or trying to do) something different. Please bring specific examples, and we can discuss them.
For instance, right now some people perceive we are being a bottleneck on the implementation of Hubs. Does a funnel have a bottleneck?
The Foundation is in a position where we hear many opinions about many topics from many players. We also have our opinions too. Everyone is trying to do their best, but sometimes the different positions are not compatible, and a good conversation is needed to converge on a common plan.
This post is long enough, so I’ll stop here for now.