Problem identifying Bosnian language automatically?

(I don’t speak any Slavic language, so apologies for any possible mistakes in this report.)

@Zblace posted a message that Google identifies as Bosnian, but the corresponding language tag was not automatically added to the topic. “bosanski jezik” is available as a language tag. Strange.

@Zblace, to start with, is the language recognition correct?

And then, can you post a reply here in that language, to see if the tag appears automatically in this new topic? The other one started well before the language tags were available, and maybe that is part of the problem.

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Naravno da mogu odgovoriti. Ja ne koristim ‘čiste’ standarde a kako je bosanski nastao u srednjem djelu HBS jezičnog spektra pa će moj tekst software često prepoznati kao bosanski…znači tehničko prepoznavanje je ispravno, iako je jezična politika polomljena :wink: