How to manage media recordings of a live/in-person event?

In a week after the large live/in-person event it is likely that documentation of it has pilled up and became an issue to non-professional photographers, videomakers, audio-enthusiasts to process…

I am interested in tips how to manage large number of media recordings efficiently and get them organized and uploaded to Commons and elsewhere (especially if they need clearance and editing before Commons)…if you are experienced with this please offer your tips as a workflow to consider.


Personally I try avoiding huge number of images, but think of what images will not be taken by official photographers and focus on making those, but that is my privilege of not being main or only person doing media documentation (I just had one with WikiLoves EuroPride).

My first thinking is in direction of what is most useful and urgent to upload (hopefully to inspire others) as well as which categories and meta information (including WikiData items) should be in place for describing those images.
If I would be making more then 50 images per event I would make sure first to archive privately or even delete those that are duplicate, bad and of little-to-no immediate use an in that process create a negative selection. I might not be able to judge this well always but sometimes it is easy.

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I would also appreciate help with this. During the event I was trying to upload daily, but it was not a good strategy (after a long day I couldn’t not keep up with it). Now I am trying to sort them to upload, my strategy is uploading them chronologically so that I don’t forget anything. But my main problem is helping other participants who are not experienced with wiki.

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Important i snot to aim at perfection but balance practical and good results

Tried to do the same, upload daily and days with not a lot of materials were easy but during the Pride march i took around 300 photos and videos and have noamaged to go through them yet. I stored them on my personal Nextcloud for now and ill start selecting soon but it requires quite sometime to manage all that materials.

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