Combat disinformation across Wikimedia

WMF is calling for help to counter disinformation.

Join our public mapping project to collect all initiatives and tools that have been developed at the local level across Wikimedia projects, and make them easily accessible and available to the movement at large.

If you are aware of anything relating to this, please send an email with the subject “disinformation mapping” to Costanza Sciubba Caniglia (, and CC Ziski Putz (

Examples of what we’re looking for:

  • Wikimedia España created resources on how to identify misinformation on Wikipedia
  • Wikimedia Argentina created a resource explaining ‘how Wikipedia works’ in response to disinformation attacks
  • WikiSocPH runs edit-a-thons with a government agency tasked with documenting human rights violations to help the agency train staff on how to edit Wikipedia articles related to the Marcos family and their regime (see most recent edit-a-thon)
  • Wikimedia France have published memos on disinformation
  • Members of Farsi Wikipedia created AI tools to combat government disinformation campaigns
  • Wikimedia UK release educational resources that help increase information literacy in order to combat disinformation

Hola @FPutz_WMF, esta propuesta me parece valiosísima, muchas gracias por colocarla en el foro!

¿Podríamos postear en este mismo hilo algunas iniciativas que sirvan de ejemplo para que todos sepamos a que se refieren exactamente con “herramientas desarrolladas a nivel local”? Gracias


Of course! That is an excellent point. I’ll add those to my original message

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Hi @FPutz_WMF,
It’s an excellent proposal.
I believe that volunteers from the Croatian language Wikipedia (HR.Wiki) had used (a non-exhaustive) list of problematic sources provided in the last year’s disinformation report when they were cleaning the contents of many HR.Wiki articles.
The report contains a list of online sources independently confirmed by Croatian and regional journalists and fact-checking organisations as creators and amplifiers of hate speech, fake news, disinformation and conspiracy theories.
While not every article on HR.Wiki that used questionable sources was necessarily biased or distorted; those that significantly deviated from the NPOV principle had relied heavily on questionable sources.

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Hi! Thank you for this useful response. I’ve followed up via email for more information. Thanks again & have a lovely weekend!

Olá @FPutz_WMF! Certamente você e sua equipe sabem disto, mas menciono aqui caso seja útil e mais informações a respeito possam ser trocadas. O título da conferência Wikimedia realizada recentemente no Brasil pelo afiliado Wiki Movimento Brasil foi: WikiCon Brasil 2022: Wikimedia contra a desinformação . Houve muitas palestras, debates e atividades ao redor do tema. Menciono algumas pessoas do WMB caso queiram comentar mais a respeito @Chicocvenancio @Ederporto @EAzzellini_WMB @Joalpe Obrigada, gente!


Hi Tila, thanks for the tips! We’re already in touch with all 4 of those folks. Really glad to see we’re speaking with the right people!

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