Automatic translation for the topic titles

There are several pieces to this:

  • When I click the “translate” icon on comment 0 of the topic, it should translate the topic title as well, not just the comment body.
  • When I am browsing a list of topics (such as a category page), there should be a way to translate the titles. Having to enter the topic just to be able to see what it is about is inconvenient, and conflicts with Discourse’s read tracking / notification system (e.g. from now on I’ll see the blue new comment counts on that topic, which is distracting if it is a topic I am not interested in).
  • Ideally, if the translations for the topics are stored already, they should be displayed from the start. I don’t want to click translate a hundred times when I enter a category to look around. (This is true for comment bodies as well, but less annoying there.)