Wikimedians of Turkic Languages User Group started its work on this issue in September 2023 as part of the Movement Charter Ambassador Program. Within the scope of the program, various meetings were held and the opinions of the participants were listened to and reported. The topics of the meetings were “Hubs” and “Global Council“, which were also suggested by the Ambassador Program.
Implementation Team
In the program, Kurmanbek (Caner) coordinated the program as Movement Ambassador. Adem helped with various aspects such as planning the process and a list of suggestions for pages to be translated. Also Mehman helped us with simultaneous translation into Turkish, English and Russian as head of the Wikimedians of Turkic Languages User Group. I would like to thank him for the support he gave us.
Online Meeting
The idea of organizing an online meeting, which was discussed and decided during the Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2023, was held on October 1, 2023. Community members from various countries such as Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Türkiye, and Iran attended the meeting.
The topics of “Hubs” and “Global Council” were discussed as the content of the meeting. However, beforehand, a presentation called “Movement Charter Conversations” was made and participants’ questions about the program were answered. Hubs topic was jointly explained to the participants by HakanIST and Kurmanbek. The Global Council was explained to the participants by Mehman.
One of the most mentioned points at the meeting was the advantages of Hubs. Because the idea that we could reach more people and organize bigger events through hubs was the common discourse of all participants.
Notes taken during the meeting can be read from this Etherpad link.
MCDC Workshop @ Turkic Wikimedia Conference 2023, Istanbul
Kurmanbek’s presentation, Kadı (CC BY 2.0)
Question and Answer section, Kurmanbek (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Participants, Kurmanbek (CC BY-SA 4.0)
MCDC Workshop was held during the Turkic Wikimedia Conference 2023, Istanbul. After the presentation made by Kurmanbek about past events and our goals, the opinions of the community members regarding the Movement Charter began to be received and these opinions were discussed and a brainstorming session was held.
Diff article about this workshop can be found at the link below:
Translation Section
After the Turkic Wikimedia Conference 2023, Istanbul, participants who wanted to start translating the 20 Movement Charter pages we suggested into their local languages. As a result of the project ending on November 29, 2023, the translation status in Turkic languages is as follows:
Results of translated pages and languages (as December 1, 2023)
Feedback Section
We created an online form consisting of questions suggested by the Ambassador Program to obtain the opinions of users who cannot attend online and face-to-face meetings. Click this link to read feedbacks on Meta-Wiki. (This information was blended with data collected during face-to-face and online conversations)
We can say that these MCDC studies, which we carried out within the Wikimedians of Turkic Languages User Group, were found interesting by the participants and we received the feedback we wanted from the community about the “Global Council” and “Hubs” topics we focused on. Our community members will continue to work on the Movement Charter Draft and work on this issue in their local communities.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at Summary of Movement Charter Activities of the Turkic Wikimedians, 2023 – Diff