Continuous experimentation, technology, and partnerships for content, formats, and devices
Continuous experimentation, technology, and partnerships for content, formats, and devices is one of the three initiatives (or “outcomes”) of the Innovate in Free Knowledge Recommendation. It is about integrating innovation into the Wikimedia Movement not as a one-time thing, but as a routine process where new methods to share free knowledge are constantly explored and tested. This includes trying new formats of content (e.g., oral instead of written), new types (e.g., Abstract Wikipedia) or new devices (e.g., Internet-in-a-Box).
- Build the necessary technology to make free knowledge content accessible in various formats. Support more diverse modes of consumption and contribution to our projects (e.g. text, audio, visual, video, geospatial, etc.).
- Create tools and partnerships to facilitate bringing content from other data and knowledge bases to our projects.