See the more recent (Revised draft) Hub Piloting Guidelines
I am happy to announce that the report of June 24-26 Global Hub Conversations is now published on meta (Hubs/Documentation/June 2022 Global Conversations - Meta) and ready for your reading and comments.
Key agreements
➼ There is value of the criteria to guide and inform the work on hubs
➼ The number of currently proposed criteria was perceived as too high
➼ 5 core criteria for piloting: 1) A Stated Goal, 2) Public Documentation, 3) Needs Assessment, 4) Clear Plan, 5) Connection to Movement Strategy Implementation
➼ The criteria should rather function as guidelines than blockers
➼ The principle of the subsidiarity would need to be followed in hub pilot implementation
➼ Expectation of continuous support to the groups setting up their hubs in various forms
Open questions
➼ It was not discussed in detail what the implementation of subsidiarity principle in the hub work would mean in practice.
∙ What information and guidance is provided to empower them to implement self-management and subsidiarity?
∙ How are potential overlaps and conflicts between hub pilots managed in a “bottom-up” process?
∙ What guardrails are needed to avoid duplications and redundancies among Hubs?
➼ What does the Movement expect from Hub pilots in terms of monitoring, evaluation, and learning?
∙ How could a structure for connecting Hubs pilots and enabling peer sharing and learning look alike?
∙ How is accountability of Hubs pilots in terms of documentation and information sharing ensured?
∙ How is it ensured that Hubs pilots are comparable across the Movement?
➼ How do Hubs pilots access and acquire support?, including
∙ Access to financial resources.
∙ Access to staff support and advice for designing, planning, and executing the pilots.
Next steps
➼ By end of July 2022: Comprehensive report regarding the feedback on proposed Minimum Piloting Criteria (on Meta + MS Forum), to be published by WMF Movement Strategy + Governance team
➼ By Wikimania 2022: New version of the criteria/guidelines and request for feedback, by WMF Movement Strategy + Governance team
➼ By Wikimedia Summit 2022: Further agreement / responses to above mentioned open questions on support structures for Hubs Pilots, by WMF Movement Strategy + Governance
Happy reading and have a great end of the week!