HBS Wikivoyage - Wikivodič u dobardanskom spektru je prvi projekt na makro kodu HBS za spektar jezika u exYU regiji, u tom smislu je pionirski. Ako imate ideje kako inovirati u metodama ovaj wiki projekt ili općenitije slobodno pišite ovdje.
Za sada su tehnički mogući samo odvojeni bosanski, hrvatski i srpski. BHS (tj. dobardanski) nije dostupan, verovatno zato što ga ni sâm Google (čiji translation engine stoji iza Discourse foruma) ne prepoznaje kao jedan od mogućih jezika.
HBS Wikivoyage has been in Incubator since: 24th of January 2022 and this is a kind of first report on its development and progress with both content and capacity development.
So far statistically it involved around 10 active editors at different times, with peak of activity in April, but most bytes in June and with past 3 months having 5 active editors each months. Outside of this, the project made first attempts planing for scaling of the capacity and resources, but will likely make more after the summer season is over and content and development work picks up again. Aside from Talk:Wy/hbs on incubator wiki page,you can also reach us here and on Wikimedia Chat on channel #Wikivoyage.