Good day. It seems that my language (Tâi-gí) can not be well translated here. So I would just try to share some ideas with you in English. Currently I am working on Paiwan wiki projects with Paiwan Wikimedians User Group.
Although we are new to wiki projects, we do find some challenges contributing Paiwan language on Wikimedia. First of all, most of the experienced speakers are not very familiar with the written Paiwan. So they tend to be not very intersted in these wiki projects at first. Secondly, the usage of Paiwan language is so limited. Very few documents are kept in well-written Paiwan language that even the writing system before varied (including Mandarin spelling system, Latin letters, Janpanese wiritng system). And even till now, people started to be aware of the importance of keeping the lanugage, but we still don’t see any classes are taught in Paiwan language at school. We believe wiki projects of Paiwan will be a good beginning for us to change the situation.
Making audio/video with the invited speakers could be a better way for us to try later. And it’s also important to have connections with protential readers/audiences to notice our work. We will be looking forward to have some cooperations with some classes in schools that teachers and students can use the materials on wiki projects of Paiwan in class.