CEE Newsletter

The CEE Newsletter is back!

If you are interested in reading news, reports and opinions from communities and individuals from Central and Eastern Europe check it out: here.


I pasted my here so it can be auto-translated in languages other than Russian :wink:

Hi everyone, we invite you to send your proposals for the second issue of the CEE Newsletter for 2023, which will be published in the beginning of July.

In this issue, you can send stories, events, updates, opinions, and everything else that you think is a worth to be part of the CEE Newsletter and happen during April, May, and June.

Deadline for submitting your proposals is 20 June 2023.

Please wrote your proposal using this link.

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Thank you for the invite Tony.
I think it would be good to update the page of archives
as it does not display much of current content
(uses only old categories and highlights photos)

@Braveheart @Tgr what do you think?

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Archive is updated with the current edition for 2023 only, but we will work on the categories, making distinction between old and new categories in the Newsletter.

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Second issue of the CEE Newsletter is published, and you can read whole issue on the Meta.


Hi everyone, we gladly can announce that third issue of the CEE Newsletter is published, and you can read whole issue on Meta.

As well, starting from this issue we have a new editor-in-chief Jan Beránek.