How to invite new forum members

Hope you’ve had some time to get acquainted with how the new Forum works! If you’re ready to invite more people to the platform, here’s a brief how-to:

  1. Click on your profile image in the top right, then the :bust_in_silhouette: icon, and then the “Invites” link (the flow is the same on mobile).

  1. Once you are on the Invites page, click the “+ Invite” link. From there you’ll be able to add one or multiple email addresses. To invite one or more people and guide them straight to a specific topic, search for that topic from the “Arrive at topic” dropdown field.
  2. After configuring the invite to your liking, you will be given the option to either copy the invite link, or to send an invite email directly.

Using this method has two little advantages:

  1. You can check who has accepted your invitation and who is pending.
  2. The people you invite will skip the “newcomer” trust level, and will get the “Basic” level automatically.

Inviting people is an important task! There are badges available for promoters, campaigners, and champions.